Thursday, April 17, 2014


In light of Easter being on Sunday, I begin this blog on a serious note:

The prophet Isaiah spoke of Jesus' crucifixion in Isaiah 53:5. "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our inequities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." 

It's too easy for me to read those words and move on. I can create complete worlds in my head when reading fiction books, but I can't make the reality of the pain and suffering Jesus went through on the day of his crucifixion come alive. But it's a big deal- bigger than words can describe. By his wounds we are healed. Each cut, each lash, each chunk of skin saved us from our rightful place in Hell.

The reality of his death is something I have to confront each time I watch The Passion of the Christ. It's something I should be confronting every single day, but like I mentioned, I'm really good at reading the words and moving on. Watching the movie and not being able to say, "It's just a movie. It's not real" is really tough. Sure, the actor isn't being hurt, but Jesus actually was. His skin was literally torn apart, he was literally beat within inches of his life before having three nails driven through his hands and feet and left to hang on a cross until death. I realize this is a very brutal and graphic description, but it's the reality of what happened.

And all I'm left to think is, "Why?" Why would Jesus do that? Why would he choose to endure that when he could free himself at any point? Why would he love people enough to do that? Why, why, why? Because he is God. He loves his creation. He doesn't want us to be eternally separated from him. He longs for us. He pursues us. He died for us. 

Whew. I just can't even. I don't have words. I don't know what to say when no words can express the thoughts and emotions elicited. I don't deserve this. I know that. That's why I did it. How am I ever supposed to repay you? You're not. It's a gift freely given to be freely received. But there has to be something to do in response. Follow me. Trust me. Worship me. That's it? That's all you can do. That's all I want from you. You can't earn what I did for you. I love you, I desire to be with you, and that's why I died for you. I saw you - every part of you - before I suffered, and I did it anyway. I know every sin you have committed and will commit, every thought, every doubt, every fear, and I died to absorb those. You are clean. You are free. You can do whatever you would like. My desire for you is that you will choose to follow me, because I am greater than anything you could pursue. 

I don't know about anyone else, but if all I can do is follow Jesus in response to what he did for me, I choose him. I choose Jesus over my plans, over my desires, over my fears, because he is worth it. He deserves it. Giving my life to him is legitimately the least I can do. So take all of me; I am yours.

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